What do we mean by responsible metrics?
The value of a scholar and the knowledge they generate cannot be captured in a number. Impact takes many forms; so too should the evidence used to demonstrate it. Research metrics services at IUPUI strive to support all scholars in telling a compelling story about their work. To that end, we strive to raise awareness about the limitations and biases inherent in research metrics data and systems to support their humane use in evaluating research programs, scholars, and impacts. There are a number of excellent resources and initiatives on the responsible use of metrics in research evaluation, only a few of which are mentioned here.
San Franscisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA)
Leiden Manifesto
Measuring Research: What everybody needs to know (Cassidy Sugimoto & Vincent Lariviere)
The Metric Tide (report by the Higher Education Funding Council for England)
Metrics Toolkit (free, evidence based resource co-founded by Robin Champieux, Heather Coates, Stacy Konkiel)
Metrics Literacy Project (research efforts led by Stefanie Haustein)
HumetricsHSS Initiative